Beginning: Belly Dance Basics I.
2 Hour $75
The goal being to set up the basic body alignment and introduce the student to the different aspects of movement belly dance entails. We will go through work book check list of flowing line design, body issolations, shimmies. We will learn 2 basic rhythms of the dance ( balady (maksoom) and Cheftitelli). How to use the Power Belly weight belts for accelerated progress and building core strength.
Beginning; Belly Dance Basics II.
2 Hour $75
Review basics 1, add traveling steps, exotic arms and hands, combinations and new techniques by going through work book check list. Introduction to new rhythms; Masmudi and 6/8.
Beginning; Belly Dance Basics III.
2 Hour $75
Energetics of the body; Level changes, Belly Rolls, Camel Walk, Veil dance. Going through work book check list.
Homework: Please read our Student Notebook before class.
How to set up privates
Call Delilah 206-632-2353
Delilah is an internationally acclaimed belly dance performer and instructor. She was the first dancer to receive the Dancer of the Year Award from the International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance in Hollywood, California 1997. Delilah grew up in Southern California, learning the dance form as it was passed on and popularized in this country by first and second generation immigrants from Lebanon, Armenia, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Morocco and Greece. Her years of devoted study and practice have led her to become one of the foremost teachers and innovators in the field of bellydance today. More >>