We began producing the Power Belly Show Online Class in May 2009.

Delilah leads the Power Belly Show
We have been referring to it as our eStudio because it’s a electronic part of our studio community. We consider and encourage the students out there in belly dance world to become a part of our studio. They are welcome to join our yahoo group and stay a breast of new developments, projects and opportunities.
Our goal as a belly dance company:
We are dedicated to the art of belly dance. Our mission is to serve those who love belly dance. When you look at our long track record of involvement (over 30 years) you see we do this by teaching and hosting classes and workshops in our studio in Seattle, by annual retreats and occasional adventure tours to Egypt . . . We have a produced all sorts of instructional, documentary and performance DVD’s and music CDs for . . .
VDP Studio is in service to all belly dancers no mater the skill level, age or the style. We cannot do this every week in one hour, but, by and by we touch on a little of everything by hosting dancers of all perspectives from week to week. Our duty is to stay interested and supportive of all belly dance. Connect with us!
The Power Belly Project:
This past year we have been keeping the “Power Belly Show” as current in time as possible by filming 6 out of 8 weeks. We completed 40 episodes by May 2010. During this year we offered 5 episodes for only a penny as introductory samples and we produced a Limited Edition Double Disk DVD “Power Belly Show, Summer 2009” for those who could not download the show or simply wanted to own a hard copy (still some available). The DVD features 1 full episode and 2 half episodes and Guest Star tutorials by Dahlia , Delilah and Tayissa Blue. Another DVD of “Winter 2010” is underway.
Please buy one if you can!
It helps us maintain the Power Belly as a project that has so far, not been cost effective. We think that online classrooms are the wave of the future but they are certainly not caught on yet. It costs us a lot of cash to but this up as a small company.
Please help us spread the word:
Tell your dance friends about our Power Belly Show On-line Belly Dance Class..
Power Belly Extended Workout Spoof
As a funny, creative little promotional gimmick, We came up with a spoof video parody. The idea was to spoof the famous Late Night TV Extenze Commercials promoting Male Enhancement. Our script promoted POWER BELLY as Female Belly Dance Enhancement. We have it up on Youtube. Most people got it and thought it was hysterical but if you don’t know what we are paradizing (is that a word?), I suppose it might seem random. Ha! We had a great time making it and thats why we do all our work. We love acting and dancing. And I think when you see it you will agree we do not take our selves so seriously. We are pretty silly.
At this moment in time:
Due to our busy project schedule (example of most recent ; Parade) and a lagging economy we can’t keep all pots boiling at once so we are backing off filming every week for the summer months and will produce a show every 4 weeks or so . We have at least 3 re-run shows up at any one time and leave a relatively new one up a little longer. I think there is plenty of redeeming value to our workouts and I hope they increase your daily enjoyment of belly dance. We have dancer in very remote places tuning in as well we have dancers down the street. The world is changing in major ways. It is becoming more of a realization that we are no longer limited or defined by our location anymore. We are enjoined by our common interests.
Reminder: the workout is not aimed at replacing your LIVE instructor. It’s just giving you more support to learn, grow and enjoy the art of belly dance. Thanks for tuning in.
Over view credits for the record.
May 2009- May 2010
Weekly Cast:
VDP Dance Instruction:
Delilah, Dahlia, Tayissa Blue, Ruby, Bella Jovan, Laura Rose
Filmed and edited By Laura Rose
Music by Erik Brown; Drums, base, chimbus, guitar, other percussion
Special Features Guests on different episodes
A 6 piece traditional music ensemble; Sallah, Andy, David, Stephen, Erik, Jane,
Unmata and Amy Sigil Sacremento CA,
Freya Los Angeles CA,
Princess Farhana Los Angeles CA,
Salah Ali on Violin
Stephen Elaimy on Oud.
Rich Hawkins voice work .
Filmed primarily in VDP Studio in Seattle.
However, we did film in Delilah’s back yard when the weather got very hot.
We dedicated one episode to a beautiful Labyrinth dance happening in the studio on Winter Solstice. Halloween had a fun costume theme as well.
We look forward to another year!