I have 3 future events in this post;

Sallah Plays Delilah
Friday Cabaret at VDP Studio 4128 Fremont Ave N: May 21
with HOT Elisa Gamal and Khalida from Germany.
Brothers of the Baladi in Seattle June 11
Hawaii Belly Dance Retreat . . . Early Bird registration is open now.
(Help me BRING STEPHEN ELAIMY in 2011)
• This article is about “LIVE MUSIC”.
Many of you have been to our 3rd Friday Cabarets at VDP. When it comes to dance most of you know I am a dedicated supporter of LIVE MUSIC. As feathers in my cap, I boast the honor of hosting bands such as Sirocco, Brothers of the Baledi, John Bilizikijian, Solace, and House of Tarab on my retreats to Hawaii, California and in concerts in Seattle.
Having live music is not the easy way to go.
It requires a lot of planning, energy, love, money and support.
I became a proud supporter of House of Tarab and helped them start playing as the H.O.T. band. It’s been 4 years now. I helped produce their first CD. I suggested they dress up in tuxedos and fez and I took them to Las Vegas for the IBDC. They went on to produce a second CD called “Baladi”. They added Andy and became a 6 piece band. They are one of the few ensembles dedicated to playing traditional belly dance music in the entire United States; oud, violin, ney, zorna, riq, dumbek, base, table baladi. They practice many dedicated hours to keep this genre of music alive. We are all lucky to live in Seattle with such a rich dance and music scene.
Our Dance Art:
Traditional Belly Dance becomes so much more integral and supported when there is interaction between the dancer and the musicians actually playing the music. The voicing of the ney, the vibration of strings of the oud and violin tenderly implore the delicate shimmy and emotive quiver in limb and loin. The music is alive, the dancer is alive, the audience is alive, and they all are sharing in the astounding present moment! You get a real taste for what I’m talking about at our Friday shows.
I take my art form and career seriously. As a teacher and leader in the art of belly dance, I feel it is my duty to provide dancers with the opportunity to learn by the experience of dancing to live music. Thus, I am always striving to produce collaborative and “worth your while” events for dancers to enjoy.
NOW, I need your support on the next project.
Hawaii in January 2011.
While it seems a ways off, it’s not. Things that are worth while take time and support to plan and make happen.
RUBY is my featured guest instructor this coming year!
I need 15 truly interested dancers to register NOW for the next Hawaii Retreat in 2011. (deposit only, with BIG early bird discounts)
Your commitment now to come to this fantastic event (in the cold of winter) will allow me to put oud player Steven Elaimy on our staff so we have integral live music at our retreat.
Many dancers have dreamed of coming to one of my retreats. Each year we host different guest instructors and music combined with themes of dance exploration.
This coming retreat is very inexpensive.
It’s 6 DAYS, and 5 NIGHTS in paradise.
I have been holding these retreats since 1991. Give your self a gift! These retreats have changed lives. Yes they are about learning to dance but, more importantly, they allow everyone to stop the clock for a time and enjoy being in the present and reviewing life. The combination of life review and dance is magical. Ask any teacher or person who has been on one of my retreats. Dancers come from all over the world, and often return for another trip. We are dedicated to presenting these life transforming retreats.
• Hawaii Retreat is Jan 25-30 2011 Registration is open Now
Couples welcome.
• MAY 21 Friday Night Cabaret at VDP staring Elisa Gamal and Kahlida from Germany. Workshops and lectures this weekend see calendar page
Call for reserved seats
206 632-2353
PS ALSO I will be performing with Brothers of the Baladi up from Portland Or, at the King Cat Club (Down Town)
10 PM on June 11