Ladies Beginning Belly Dance Party

It’s summer lets dance!

Dear Ladies

Come to a beautiful and relaxed environment where we lounge around on satin pillows unwind from the stress of the day and share the secrets of the oldest dance. The age old belly dance is an esoteric feminine body language. A women’s way of communicating since time immemorial. We celebrate womanhood , life and creativity.

Every 3rd Friday in the Month the class will not be held because we have fantastic LIVE MUSIC belly dance show for you to see it all put together. If you start now some day you might just see your self performing with a band, or at least being in the Fremont Solstice Parade with your sisters next June!

Bring beverages and snacks and lets learn to belly dance !
For ladies with spunk and spirit on Fridays!

Dates: July 1, 8,  15, (skip 22), 29
Every third Fri is a live belly dance concert with “House of Tarab” and professional caliber dancers at 8:00
Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Cost:  $70 or $65 with 5 Advance Registration!
Cost covers 4 classes and 1 Reserved Show Ticket!
Extra Show tickets for friends and dates can be reserved by calling 206 632-2353

Homework: Please read our Student Notebook before class.

How to register

Please download and print our registration form, fill it out and send it in with a check. We also have a mail slot at the Studio. Sorry, we do not take credit cards for classes.

Delilah Gold Photo by

Delilah Gold Photo by

Delilah is an internationally acclaimed belly dance performer and instructor. She was the first dancer to receive the Dancer of the Year Award from the International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance in Hollywood, California 1997. Delilah grew up in Southern California, learning the dance form as it was passed on and popularized in this country by first and second generation immigrants from Lebanon, Armenia, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Morocco and Greece. Her years of devoted study and practice have led her to become one of the foremost teachers and innovators in the field of bellydance today.  More >>

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