How to Link to Visionary Dance (No Comments)

Dear Dancers and Web Masters,

We have been in business for over 25 years as Visionary Dance Productions. Seven years ago we opened the lovely VDP Studio in Seattle. It’s been a blast and taken a lot of creative energy. Over those past 7 years, we have been working hard, expanding and improving our web site, producing new DVD’s & CDs, creating the Belly Dance Web Clubs, the Power Belly on-line Classes (over 40 episodes), hosting live shows and concerts, sponsoring big events like the Billion Belly March and the annual retreats in Hawaii, and tours to Egypt . We even formed a live Middle Eastern Music Ensemble named House of Tarab. We have been performing, teaching, writing and being a visionary dance family! Whew! Thats a lot, I’m exhausted.

We know it’s important to turn our focus to getting our Belly dance Links page up to par again (a bit over overdue).

Our History:

Because we are one of the first sites on the internet we have a few special chips in the google search engines for value, longevity, maintenance and constant up grades. Your web master will know it’s a good idea for your sites visibility to exchange links with us if your site is pertinent to belly dance. It’s a win win exchange and we are happy to do a link exchange. We get traffic from all over the world and dancers are always looking for teachers in their area or intended destinations, so big or small we would love to link up.


We actually have two sites we would like you to link.



Important: IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AN EXCHANGE LINK we request you list our site with the EXACT anchor tag:

Belly Dancing with Delilah at Visionary Dance.

Copy the following code and paste it where you want it on the page:

<a href=””>Belly Dancing with Delilah at Visionary Dance. </a>

If you have room for a description of our site please use the code below.

<a href=””>Belly Dancing with Delilah at Visionary Dance. Home of the Hallmark DVD series “Delilah’s Belly Dance Workshop Vol I, II, III ”, House of Tarab CDs, online classes, the Power Belly Weight Belts for dancers, schedule for Seattle based VDP Studio and tour dates as well as her annual Visionary Bellydance Retreat in Hawaii.</a>

If you’d like to use a little logo, so the link looks like this…


<img class=”size-full wp-image-4064 alignnone” title=”VDPLogoButton” src=”” alt=”VDPLogoButton” width=”120″ height=”60″ />

<img title=”VDPLogoButton” src=”” alt=”VDPLogoButton” width=”120″ height=”60″ />

Second site link
We request you list our site with the EXACT anchor tag:

“Belly dance with Delilah on Retreat”

Copy the following code and paste it where you want it on the page:

<a href=””>“Belly dance with Delilah on Retreat”  </a>

Again if there is room for a description please the the code below.

<a href=””>“Belly dance with Delilah on Retreat”  and her special belly dance guest stars in Hawaii, the Northwest, in Egypt and more! </a>

If you’d like to use a little logo, so the link looks like this…


<img class=”size-full wp-image-4069 alignnone” title=”Hawaii-retreat” src=”” alt=”Hawaii-retreat” width=”160″ height=”76″ />


Please send us the URL of the page you’d like us to review for inclusion on our “Belly Dance Links” page. Include a short description of your site that indicates its relevance and importance to belly dance. When our link is up on your site please send an e mail with the exact pages where our links are placed so we can easily check they are working.
More Questions? Please contact Erik: Send this via email to : info (at)